
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Big Reveal!!!!

Sunday October 10th we were in Boone for Luke and Grayson's baby dedication at their church. We had decided this would be the day our families would find out about our little blessings. I always knew I did not want to just call everyone and tell them, I wanted something a little more.

That Sunday we went to church and then had a wonderful lunch made by Melissa. After that we headed back to the Bryan's to pack up and head out. I had made a shirt for Luke earlier that week that said I am going to be a big cousin!!!! So when we got back to the house I had Luke come downstairs with me to get his new shirt. I sent him upstairs where everyone was and told him to go tell Nana to check out his new shirt. He did great...Nana needed some work. She took a quick glance and then kept talking on the phone to her sister Cathy. At this time I said mom 'read Luke's shirt'. I took her forever finally it clicked and everyone started screaming, they were so excited. Then I got to drop the news that we had an extra surprise there were two!!!!! It is time for Nana to get a bigger house there are going to be lots of little ones around after May!

While we knew we would not be able to do it in person we knew that we wanted to find a creative way to tell Aaron's family in New Jersey as well. After much thinking we finally settled on an idea. After our appointment on the 5th I was going to embroider a onesie to say A little Galloway is on the way well we ended up having to change it to say little Galloways are on the way! After I did this I wrapped it up with a picture of the ultrasound and sent to the the preacher's wife at their church. We asked Karen to give them the package after church so they would not know where it came from and this way we could control when they got it. Trying to keep its origins a complete surprise Karen put the package on their pew before church..which would have been fine if Aaron did not have a little sister! Frank and Robbin both saw the package and thought nothing of it, thinking they would open up after church since they did not know where it came from. Sarah Jo got there and quickly inquired about the package and why it had not been opened. Well she quickly felt that it must be opened right then. At this time church had just started Mr. Brown was up front doing announcements when Sarah saw the contents and quickly passed to Robbin. I am sure there was quite the commotion at this time. While this is not when we expected them to find out it has made it much more memorable for everyone.

Needless to say all 4 grandparents are super excited about their 2 grand-babies as are we!

1 comment:

Allison Murphree said...

Oh my goodness!! Congratulations! I am so excited for y'all ! We will keep you in our prayers!